domingo, 1 de dezembro de 2013

XPlite 2000lite Download


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With XPlite 2000lite and we allow you to set up your machine as you want! The power to remove unwanted features, the power to remove upgrades that go bad, the right to strip potential security and privacy threats of the roots.More than a powerful configuration utilities - XPlite 2000lite and gives you incredible control to repair Windows as well. If a particular technology gives you trouble you can completely remove and then reinstall as clean as the day Windows reinstalled on your computerXPlite/2000lite first is a tool that helps you start your computer. The ultimate security system? There can be little argument that certain Microsoft technologies have proven themselves to your privacy, security and stability in the system'll be in the danger zone. The sheer number of Windows Update security updates that are released on an almost daily basis testify to this fact. You can choose alternate technologies to avoid the security risks but defective parts can be used in the system, the next irresponsible hacker or malicious script exploits the situation. Everyone should be carried out with the latest updates and service pack - but is it enough? XPlite and 2000lite you features you can completely remove it. Endangered For example - many email viruses use Outlook Express and Windows Address Book to your integrity and your friends whose addresses you have stored invade. If you choose an alternate email system, and then use XPlite 2000lite allows you to completely remove Outlook Express and the Windows Address Book from your system. NOTE: Only works with XP SP2.

Good rate: 12 Bad rate: 2

Category: Tweak|System Tweak
Size: 811 Mb

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